Diplomas and postgraduate studies
1985: University Degree in Pedagogy (Psychological orientation), University of Torino.
1990: University Degree in Psychology, (Clinical and Therapeutic Community orientation), University of Padua.
1997: Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapy at the Scuola quinquennale dell’Istituto Italiano di Psicoanalisi di Gruppo (M.U.R.S.T. 29.09.94).
2003: Training psychoanalist and supervisor by the Istituto di Specializzazione in Psicologia Psicoanalitica del Sé e Psicoanalisi Relazionale (ISIPSÈ).
Professional activities
Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in the National Health System from 1992 until 2004.
Private practice as clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst since 2004.
Faculty member at the Istituto di Specializzazione in Psicologia Psicoanalitica del Sé e Psicoanalisi Relazionale (ISIPSÈ) in Rome teaching the course Theories of Motivational Systems, specifically focussed on Joseph Lichtenberg’s contribution, since 1999.
Participation in founding the Centro Milanese ISIPSÈ and developing its training activities as President from 2001 until 2008.
Faculty member in the Three-year CLinical Art Therapy Program “Lyceum VITT3” in Milan, teaching corse in Psychodynamic and Attachment Theory since 2004.
Faculty member at the Scuola di Psicoterapia ISIPSÈ in Rome teaching the course Theories of Motivational Systems, specifically focussed on Joseph Lichtenberg’s contribution since 2006.
Faculty member at the at the Scuola di Psicoterapia dell’Istituto Italiano di Psicoanalisi di Gruppo in Milan teaching the course Psychoanalytic Self Psychology, Relational Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience since 2012.
Dr. Maurizio Pinato - Psicoanalista e psicoterapeuta. Via Renato Fucini 5, Milano - Via Bernardino Luini 32, Meda (MB) P.IVA 04257420960 - Design Invasione Creativa